Thursday 18 June 2009


Well I haven't been on here in ages, been extremely busy with University work. Well good news now is that I'm off for the Summer hols. So if I remember there'll be plenty of posts.

So I guess I need to fill in all the blanks from the past few months.

Well after the landscape project we were sat a fashion project - my concept was The Predator and the Prey, where I then transformed my model (who was Deary like normal) into a Zebra, Antelope, Lion and Cheetah, which was undeniably fun. We did four shoots at my house using a black backdrop, then did the final shoots at Uni using the white curve and the Hasselblad.

Here are the test shots:

These were shot using my Canon 450D but I also used 35mm film.
I shot using my Canon 450D along with 35mm film and 120 medium format film and digital on the Hasselblad - Great fun!
I'll post some more of this project...

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